For those who enjoy using Swagbucks reward points to get free stuff, there are lots of ways to earn - have you tried Special Offers?
Special Offers gives you a way to rack up Swag Bucks quickly by taking actions ranging fro surveys to free trials to making purchases to liking a Facebook page or simply watching videos. Take the action, get the bucks. It's that simple.
There are plenty of free offers as well as those that reward you for buying something - you have complete control over your Special Offers experience. The Special Offers page has hundreds of offers from recognized brands through a number of different providers, and the Swagbucks Team works hard to ensure that only the most honest and rewarding offers make it to the page.
You can visit the Swagbucks Special Offers page or look for offers on the rotating images in the Swagbucks homepage. From time to time, Team Swagbucks will send you an message to your Swagbucks inbox containing a limited time offer, so check there frequently! If you ever have reason to believe that an offer is not what it promises, please send an email to so their team can take the appropriate actions.
Try it out today!"
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