12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

The Mystery of Disappearing Image Files

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It has been quite a few weeks since I last used my Olympus gear for shutter therapy, making way for the new Sony (well, its not exactly new since the camera is a 4 year old model), which I did enjoy using tremendously and have fallen in love with. This glorious Sunday morning I decided to pick up the Olympus again, and attack my favourite street, Chow Kit with the E-5 and two wonderful lenses, Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5 and 50mm F2 macro. It was great using Olympus again after all this time, I have spent about an hour plus shooting, and I knew I had some good shots which were sufficient for me to compose a blog entry. I did not quite sure how, or why I suddenly had the urge to pause for a bit, and review my images. Call it the photographer's six sense or something, I felt something was not right. To my horror..... almost ALL my image files taken in the morning, recorded into the Lexar 8GB SD card... VANISHED!! I remembered I had more than 100 photos taken already (could have been more, not sure really) but as I was reviewing the images, there was only 11 of the most recently taken shots !! Where the heck have the rest of the photos gone to???????
All images in this blog entry were taken with Olympus DSLR E-5 and Zuiko Digital lenses 11-22mm F2.8-3.5 and 50mm F2 macro

Hiding behind a small tree
Very small door

At that point of time, I could not figure out whether it was the camera or the memory card to be at fault. It cannot be the camera, because nothing like this has happened before. It sure did not seem like the memory card was acting up, because there was no error message, no corrupted files, and I never had problem with this SD card before, though I mostly use Sandisk as my main memory cards for serious shooting, eg paid assignment or photography jobs. Everything with the camera and memory card seemed to work perfectly fine, the only problem was the sudden, unexpected, disappearance of the image files. 
I was traumatized to say the least !! It was a good shooting session, and I mean it was a really good shooting session. I did have some very good photography subjects, and I managed to grab some very good shots, which was not a very frequent thing to happen. I think this is one of the horrors that many photographers would fear: sudden loss of files. The only consolation that I can give myself was that the shooting session was only my personal shutter therapy, not a paid assignment, and no one is expecting any files to be delivered. However, going out in the morning with high enthusiasm to shoot, and then coming home almost empty handed is not something I can be happy about. How can such a thing happen, it was beyond logic !! Image files just do not magically disappear !! When I click the shutter button on the camera, I expect the image to be automatically stored in the memory card, and nothing else should happen after that. 
The only other thing that I kept asking myself was.... did I accidentally format the card or deleted all files, without knowing? This seemed to be the only explanation logical enough in this case, but how or why would I do that? I only format my memory card before the start of any shooting session, but I never would touch the delete or format during shooting. Never. 
I could grumble on and on, but I knew the purpose of me being out there was to shoot some images. I can cry over the spilled milk (I did not cry, but I think I said F*** a few times out loud) or I can choose to continue shooting, and hope to grab some more images that I can use here on my blog update. 
Thankfully, the streets of Chow Kit never let me down. It never, never lacked any street photography subjects to shoot. 
Squeeze your cheeks
Crossing paths
Common Space
Back Street Activities
Backyard.I miss Dramatic Tone Art Filter !
When I got home, the first thing I did was to run the card recovery software. The software managed to recover only some files from the vanished set of photographs, and I think I lost about 50% of the photos I took in the morning, not to be seen ever again. The fact that those files still exist in the card means I did not accidentally formatted the files. Something must have happened, and this may sound biased, but I am starting to have issues with trusting Lexar cards. After what happened few weeks ago with my other Lexar CF card which I used on the Sony DSLR, and this morning, the Lexar SD card on my trusty Olympus E-5, I am thinking, no way, I only bought two Lexar cards and both cards are giving me problems. Sorry Lexar, two different card failures in a span of a month is a very, very bad record. 
It feels great using Olympus again !! If only I had those earlier photos (which disappeared) to show you guys...
The lesson of the story? Chimping is important, VERY, VERY important. Reviewing your images can save lives.

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